General Usage
If your query has no parameters you do not need to specify binding variables in the execute method:
// callback
connection.execute("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL", function (err, results) {
results.getRows(function (err, rows) {
if (err) {
// do something with the error...
// do something with the rows...
results.close(function (err) {
if (err) {
// do something with the error...
// promise
connection.execute("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL")
.then(results => {
.then(rows => console.log(rows))
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack))
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack())
We also support async/await out of the box, here is a comprehensive example:
(async () => {
var connection = await driver.connect(config);
try {
var results = await connection.execute('SELECT 1 AS VALUE FROM DUAL');
var rows = await results.getRows();
} catch (e) {
await connection.rollback();
throw e;
} finally {
await connection.close();
})().catch(e => console.log(e.stack));
If your query has parameters you need to supply binding variables in the execute method:
connection.execute("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE id = ?", [ 54 ], (err, results) => {
results.getRows(function (err, rows) {
// ...
results.close(function (err) {
If you want to supply special options (detailed below) you need to supply these as an object in the execute method; here is an example defining the rowMode:
var { Driver, RowMode } = require('node-nuodb');
connection.execute("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE id = ?", [ 54 ], { rowMode: RowMode.ROWS_AS_OBJECT } (err, results) => {
results.getRows(function (err, rows) {
// ...
results.close(function (err) {
The connection class provides an execute method taking the following parameters that are documented below:
sql [String], binds [Array], options [Object], callback [Function]
(Required) is the SQL string to be executed by the database.
(Optional) is an array of variables bound to a parameterized statement. Empty arrays are equivalent to omitting binds entirely.
(Optional) is an object (hash) of connection and statement options to use while executing the SQL string. The valid options are presented below, and their permissible values:
autoCommit: boolean value, indicating whether each statement is automatically committed when execute is called (default = true)
readOnly: boolean value, indicating whether to execute the statement in a read-only transaction (default = false)
fetchSize: positive integer value, indicating the result set batch size when using result streaming (default = 1000)
rowMode: enumeration value, indicating whether to return results as objects or as an array of values (default = RowMode.ROWS_AS_ARRAY). Permissible values:
isolationLevel: enumeration value, indicating the desired transaction isolation level to use (default = Isolation.CONSISTENT_READ). Permissible values:
(Required) an error-first callback whose second argument is a result set. Not required when using promises.
Special Forms
Selecting from DUAL requires explicit column names.
An example of how to perform a simple query against the DUAL table:
connection.execute('SELECT 1 AS VALUE FROM DUAL;', [], function (err, results) {
if (err) {
// handle error
results.close(function (err) {
if (err) {
// handle error