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The node-nuodb add-on for Node.js from NuoDB powers high performance NuoDB Database applications. Use node-nuodb to connect Node.js 8 and 10 to NuoDB Databases.

The add-on has support for connection properties, read-only, auto-commit and transaction isolation levels; it supports array and JS object based result sets; it supports async/await, callbacks, and promises; and supports rich type parsing. And built upon Native Abstractions for Node.js (NAN), it’s a portable foundation for now and future versions of Node.js.

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Getting Started

Modern applications are increasingly deployed as Docker containers. Supporting modern application deployment models, the node-nuodb driver is conveniently packaged in Docker containers, making it trivial to build and deploy database applications.

Getting your NuoDB application deployed is as simple as 1-2-3:

  1. Create a Dockerfile:
    echo 'ARG VERSION' >> Dockerfile
    echo 'FROM nuodb/node-nuodb:${VERSION}-onbuild' >> Dockerfile
  2. Build a Docker:
    export VERSION=...
    docker build --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} -t acme/example:latest .
  3. Run your application:
    docker run -it --name example --rm -e NUODB_USER=dba -e NUODB_PASSWORD=dba --network nuodb-net acme/example:latest

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