Remove resources

Once you are done with the database, do not forget to remove the provisioned NuoDB resources.

Delete database


Deleting NuoDB database will delete all persistent storage associated with it along with any user data stored in the database.

Delete project

Uninstall NuoDB Control Plane

This section describes how to uninstall NuoDB Control Plane from the Kubernetes cluster.

Delete custom resources

Delete all custom resources (CR) that have been created in nuodb-cp-system namespace. For some of the CRs, DBaaS operator performs cleanup actions and removes finalizers before they are deleted from Kubernetes API server.

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=nuodb-cp-system
for crd in $(kubectl get customresourcedefinitions --no-headers -o custom-columns="" | grep ""); do
    kubectl get $crd -o name | xargs -r kubectl delete --wait=false
for crd in $(kubectl get customresourcedefinitions --no-headers -o custom-columns="" | grep ""); do
    kubectl get $crd -o name | xargs -r kubectl delete
kubectl get secrets -o name | xargs -r kubectl delete
kubectl get pvc -o name --selector=group=nuodb | xargs -r kubectl delete

Uninstall DBaaS components

Uninstall all Helm charts following the order below.

helm uninstall nuodb-cp-rest --namespace nuodb-cp-system
helm uninstall nuodb-cp-operator --namespace nuodb-cp-system
helm uninstall nuodb-cp-crd --namespace nuodb-cp-system
helm uninstall ingress-nginx --namespace nginx
helm uninstall cert-manager --namespace cert-manager

Delete the provisioned namespaces.

kubectl delete namespace nuodb-cp-system
kubectl delete namespace cert-manager
kubectl delete namespace nginx