Remove resources On this page Once you are done with the database, do not forget to remove the provisioned NuoDB resources.
Delete database# Deleting NuoDB database will delete all persistent storage associated with it along with any user data stored in the database.
nuodb-cp database delete acme/messaging/demo
curl -X DELETE $NUODB_CP_URL_BASE /databases/acme/messaging/demo
Delete project#
nuodb-cp project delete acme/messaging
curl -X DELETE $NUODB_CP_URL_BASE /projects/acme/messaging
Uninstall NuoDB Control Plane# This section describes how to uninstall NuoDB Control Plane from the Kubernetes cluster.
Delete custom resources# Delete all custom resources (CR) that have been created in nuodb-cp-system
For some of the CRs, DBaaS operator performs cleanup actions and removes finalizers before they are deleted from Kubernetes API server.
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace= nuodb-cp-system
for crd in $( kubectl get customresourcedefinitions --no-headers -o custom-columns= "" | grep "" ) ; do
kubectl get $crd -o name | xargs -r kubectl delete --wait= false
for crd in $( kubectl get customresourcedefinitions --no-headers -o custom-columns= "" | grep "" ) ; do
kubectl get $crd -o name | xargs -r kubectl delete
kubectl get secrets -o name --selector= | xargs -r kubectl delete
kubectl get pvc -o name --selector= group = nuodb | xargs -r kubectl delete
Uninstall DBaaS components# Uninstall all Helm charts following the order below.
helm uninstall nuodb-cp-rest --namespace nuodb-cp-system
helm uninstall nuodb-cp-operator --namespace nuodb-cp-system
helm uninstall nuodb-cp-crd --namespace nuodb-cp-system
helm uninstall ingress-nginx --namespace nginx
helm uninstall cert-manager --namespace cert-manager
Delete the provisioned namespaces.
kubectl delete namespace nuodb-cp-system
kubectl delete namespace cert-manager
kubectl delete namespace nginx